What if I started sharing my victories?

Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away the shame of your slavery in Egypt.” So that place has been called Gilgal to this day.

joshua 5:9, NLT

Gilgal means “circle of stones” in Hebrew. God had the Israelites create a memorial after they had passed into the land he had promised to them after being in slavery for 400 years. People would pass that stone memorial for generations to come.

Often, we want to walk away from our shame and never look at it again. But what if instead we felt like we could talk about the ways we were freed from it? What if we built our own memorials and told others about the victories we’ve experienced?


Get some rocks from your yard or a craft store. Somewhere you (and others) can see it, build a little memorial for the areas of freedom in your life. When someone sees it and asks about it, have joy in telling them that your shame has been rolled away.


God, thank you that you want to roll away all the shame from my life. Help me to tell my story so others are encouraged that their shame can be rolled away too.

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