Do I Truly Know Who Has The Victory?

In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.

colossians 2:15, NLT

There is only one place shame really belongs, and it’s not on us. There is a battle going on around us that we are not always aware of. Though that battle continues, the end of the story has already been written: Jesus wins.

We can get really discouraged in a world that likes to remind us of our mistakes, our shortcomings, our sin. That memory we hate can come back and bite us over and over again, making us think we will never be free.


The next time you are discouraged by evil in this world, take time to write down five ways you have seen God’s victory in your life or someone else’s life.


God, remind me that you have won! Help me to understand how the shame doesn’t belong on me.

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