Do I Align Myself With Jesus?

But it is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name!

1 peter 4:16, NLT

Shame is very often about our identity. And right here we’re told that aligning ourselves with Jesus Christ bears no shame.

Doesn’t always feel that way, does it? It’s okay to be honest here. We can stick out like a sore thumb when we choose to live aligned with the Bible and not culture. It can even wreck relationships.


When shame starts to tell you who you are (bad friend, bad mom, bad daughter), write five godly adjectives for yourself on a sticky note, and put it where you can see it.


God, sometimes it’s hard to stick out because of my faith. Remind me that hard feelings I experience are not my shame to own and that they do not identify me.

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