Am I Turning Away From Shameful Things?

They have no sense of shame. They live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity.

ephesians 4:19, NLT

Adam and Eve’s shame in the Garden of Eden was immediate, but it didn’t take long for humanity to develop an immunity to shame.

Have you ever been watching a movie and halfway in thought, I shouldn’t be watching this? Or we start to read a book and sense there is something about it that’s not for us.

Sometimes we have to refine this sense of shame by asking God to give us eyes to see.


Be watching for times when your sense of shameful things starts to alert you. Be quick to respond by removing it or yourself from the situation.


God, I ask that you help me fine-tune my sense of things that are not for me. Always give me a way to turn away from or avoid those things.

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