Am I focused on things that will bring God glory?

But soon it will be your turn to be disgraced. Come, drink and be exposed! Drink from the cup of the Lord’s judgment, and all your glory will be turned to shame.

habakkuk 2:16, NLT

Anyone who has lived through a fashion that was “totally IT” and then became “totally NOT” knows how our glory can switch to shame. One day, we think we’re in the know because we part our hair or tuck our shirts a certain way. The next, we see ourselves cartooned as “so out of it.”

If I’m going to be exposed, I’d prefer that the one doing the exposing is kind, all-knowing, and—unlike any trends I’d invest my image in—eternal. Wouldn’t you?


As we get dressed, do our hair, or perhaps put on makeup today and think about the “right” way to do it, let’s pause. Think of a Bible verse that shows us how God’s way, God’s judgments, are forever and ever right. Then smile in the mirror, knowing that God will keep showing you how to glorify him as you learn his Word and apply it!


Lord, sometimes I don’t even know I harbor a harmful attitude or behavior until it’s too late. Please keep showing me how you want to make me holy–God, I know it’s silly, but I put my trust daily in things like my intelligence, my style, my life-hacks, and my savvy. Will you help me see through your eyes what is worthy of glory?

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