Am I tuned in to hear God’s voice above all others?

The more priests there are, the more they sin against me. They have exchanged the glory of God for the shame of idols..

hosea 4:7, NLT

An American Super Bowl commercial got millions of people’s attention. It showed animals—which I later learned were called lemmings—happily sauntering together across a field. “Oh, how cute!” I said when I saw them. I called out to my housemates, “Come look!”

But then. First, one lemming, then two, three, then a horrifying wave of them stepped off the cliff. Presumably to their death. You’d think they’d warn each other, but they pointed each other to destruction. The advertiser wanted to point out the importance of thinking differently. And while God isn’t out to sell personal computers (like the advertiser), so does our Lord. Sometimes worshiping God requires breaking away from the crowd. Often, daily, it requires hearing and knowing his voice, saying, “This is the way. Walk in it.”


Next time you’re scrolling on social media, pause your finger on the screen and ask: “What is this post suggesting I do to have ‘the good life?’”


God, what is it that you say is essential to have the good life? And what part of this verse, or another in the Bible, reminds me of why it is so good to hear from you?

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