God, do you see me?

Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord, who had spoken to her. She said, “You are the God who sees me.” She also said, “Have I truly seen the One who sees me?”

genesis 16:13, NLT

Perhaps not every girl goes through an awkward stage, but surely most have. You know, when the hair can’t get any worse, the glasses are thick and plastic, the barrette keeping the hair back is from the previous decade.

It’s that stage where nothing feels right—your body, your voice, your laugh. And yet you long for someone to notice you, to see through the bad hair and the not-cool clothes to the you inside, the girl with big ideas and crazy dreams and things to say.

God has always seen you, no matter what your hair is doing. Hagar felt it the day she became an outcast in every way, and that became her name for God: the God who sees me.


Everyone everywhere wants to be seen for who they are. Take time today to intentionally interact with someone—a store clerk, the janitor in your building, the girl holding the books defensively in front of her—and make them feel seen.


God, thank you that you see the real me always and perfectly. Help me to learn to see myself as you do: loved and wonderfully made.

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