Does God love me for who I am?

So Jacob took the food to his father. “My father?” he said. “Yes, my son,” Isaac answered. “Who are you—Esau or Jacob?”

leviticus 22:32, NLT

Have you ever accidentally walked up to someone you thought you knew and gushed all over them only to realize—too late—that it was someone else? We’ve all done it.

It’s amazing then that with the billions of people on this planet, God never mistakes anyone for someone else. When you pray, he knows it’s you. Even if your doppelganger is praying at the same time, he doesn’t get confused. He sees you uniquely in time and also beyond time, from the moment he started knitting you in your mother’s womb to the day you join him in heaven.


Take some time to journal about moments throughout your life when you knew God was there for you, seeing you for who you are and how he made you.


God, I am newly amazed at your attentiveness to each and every human being, including me. You are never confused about who I am, even if I sometimes get a little offtrack.

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