How can I be reminded that you are the God who sees me?

So that well was named Beer-lahai-roi (which means “well of the Living One who sees me”). It can still be found between Kadesh and Bered.

genesis 16:14, NLT

There was a show in the 1980s that had these lyrics in its opening song: “Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.” It’s that place where you know you’ll be received with open arms and wide smiles because they don’t just know your name, they know the real you—and like it.

Ancient water wells were like the break room of modern offices: that was where you went to get the latest news. And this well was named for the God Who Sees Me. You could show up at the well every day and be reminded that God knows your name and would love to stop and chat.


Next time you are in line for a cup of coffee or hanging out in the break room, take a minute to recognize the people there. Introduce yourself. Talk about the weather. Create a tiny space where you know their name.


God, just as wells were important in ancient times, help me to recognize those places where I can love people by truly seeing them. Help me to remember their names.

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