Do I place my identity in Christ or in my human roles?

The Lord is the one you and your followers are really revolting against! For who is Aaron that you are complaining about him?

numbers 16:11, NLT

We love to complain about leadership: It was this president who got us into this mess. It was that manager who was making my life miserable. It was this pastor who turned me against God.

When we choose to step into leadership, it’s best to acknowledge this right away. Someone will find a reason to not like your leadership identity for some reason or another. Moses and Aaron had both done great things for God and faithfully led the people for 40 years. The people still found lots of reasons to complain about them.

Remember this when you’re tempted to take off the mantle of leadership because someone wants to use it against you. Be determined that your identity will remain in Christ and not in your human roles.


Make a list of the areas where you’ve taken up the mantle of leadership, paid or not. Make a list of those who lead you. Pray over it.


God, we were always meant to follow you, not people. Help me to maintain a healthy perspective of that as I lead and am led.

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