Do I Need Some Perspective-Shifting?

“So who am I, that I should try to answer God or even reason with him?”

job 9:14, NLT

When you are in a place where artificial light is low or nonexistent, you can see the stars in stunning clarity. If you’re lucky, you can even make out an arm of the Milky Way. It’s breathtaking. Not many of us are blessed with this kind of constant perspective-shifting scenery.

When we are in the presence of the wonders of God’s creation, we feel our size, our smallness, our humanness, our limits. “Who am I?” we might ask ourselves. “What could I possibly add to this magnificence?”

You are a child of the Living God, made in his image, created for good works he has prepared for you ahead of time. Right-size yourself before him, but see his fingerprints on you, just as they are on those blazing stars.


Plan a time to get away from the city lights as much as you can and envelop yourself in his magnificent stars.


God, I want to be right-sized before you. Help me to fight for a perspective that keeps me in awe of you but sees your fingerprints all over me.

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