Who am I? Who is Jesus?

Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. As they were walking along, he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”

mark 8:27, NLT

It’s a safe bet that Jesus knew exactly what people were saying about him. So the question wasn’t about finding information, and it wasn’t for an ego boost. He wanted to see if his disciples were starting to understand who he really was: the Son of God.

Their minds and hearts wouldn’t fully see him for who he was until after the Resurrection when he visited them, alive and well. This small band of men and women who loved Jesus would go on to change the world because they could then truly answer this question posed by Jesus.

When we learn to answer this question for ourselves in a deep, soul-knowing way, we can start being able to understand who we are. It is always in relation to who Jesus is that we can best answer, “Who am I?”


Pretend Jesus is asking you who you think he is. Answer out loud or journal your response. Then ask yourself who you are because of him.


God, I want to fully understand you so that I can understand myself. Help me know you as the beginning of me.

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