Who can I tell that I’ve seen God?

“Now get to your feet! For I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and witness. Tell people that you have seen me, and tell them what I will show you in the future.”

acts 26:16, NLT

Seeing a celebrity in person is oddly exciting. That person was probably just a face on the screen or in a book, a two-dimensional wonder. We watch them act or sing or speak, and then one day we see them in the flesh.

We tell people our story of bumping into a movie star or a politician, maybe show the selfie we got with that person. And everyone says, “How cool!”

When Paul told other Christians about how Jesus appeared to him, he knew it would have an impact. This seeing and knowing are important. This is what God has always wanted from humanity: to be seen and known by us and for us to be seen and known by him.


Take time today to make someone else feel seen and known.


God, thank you that you want me to know you and that you know me. Help me to see others for who they are in a way they can feel.

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