Can God Help Me Build (or Rebuild) a Solid Foundation?

On August 14 of that year, which was the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard and an official of the Babylonian king, arrived in Jerusalem. He burned down the Temple of the Lord, the royal palace, and all the houses of Jerusalem. He destroyed all the important buildings in the city.

2 Kings 25:8-9, NLT

Destruction can destroy hope. Ask anyone who has lost a home to fire or a natural disaster. In May of 2008, an EF5 tornado (the strongest possible) ripped through an Iowa town leveling hundreds of buildings and killing seven people.

Rebuilding is hard work. Yet humanity’s capacity to rebuild better is one of our gifts. And if the foundation we build on is secure, then we can fix all the little things that annoyed us about the old structure. The avocado green tile in the bathroom. That pantry that barely held anything. The carpet that had seen better days.

Our lives are no different. God allows certain things to be destroyed because he can rebuild better and wants to do it with us on the solid foundation of truth that can come only from him.


Watch a show about a home renovation. Note how they can reimagine spaces and address underlying issues that weren’t visible without demolition.


God, wrecked things in my life hurt. Give me faith to see the hope in rebuilding. Help me make sure my foundation is true.

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