How Can I Witness God’s Love, Power & Majesty in My Life?

Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.

lamentations 3:21-22, NLT

Remember that game from childhood called “truth or dare”? I always took the dare. It was easier for me to do something crazy than to admit secrets from my heart. Secrets like “Do you like Timmy?” Or worse, “Would you kiss Timmy?”

But what happens when we are dared to hope? When the crazy dare means believing that God will come through in the most loving way possible? It’s a good thing that God already knows all our secrets and that his love isn’t contingent on the state of our hearts. Because even when we feel incapable of faith or hope or love, he is more than capable and is ready to meet us where we are. That is the only way any of us can dare to hope. God isn’t asking us to do anything crazy or to reveal our deepest secrets. He just wants us to witness his love and power and majesty. Your faith will start to rise if you do that. He’s waiting with open arms. I’ll take that dare.


Do you accept the dare to hope? Journal about any resistance you feel, and allow God to meet you there.


God, sometimes it’s hard to see any way out. Hoping would be the most daring thing for me to do in my circumstances. Show me how.

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