God, How Can I Wait on Your Timing Expectantly?

My mercy and justice are coming soon. My salvation is on the way. My strong arm will bring justice to the nations. All distant lands will look to me and wait in hope for my powerful arm.

isaiah 51:5, NLT

Did you know that arm wrestling is an actual global sport with competitions worldwide? Maybe that isn’t so hard to believe. We have probably all been challenged to an arm-wrestling match at some point. Historically, it’s been used to settle bets, prove strength, and finish arguments. Apparently, evidence of its use can be traced back several thousand years on multiple continents. It’s universal.

A show of strength by only one arm has settled lesser things than the justice of nations. God doesn’t even have to use both arms to put things right worldwide. This can be hard to fathom when we are in the midst of our own hurts and injustices. Maybe you got stuck on the word “soon” in our Bible verse today. When will that be, precisely?

I think it’s fair to say that God’s idea of soon is wildly different from ours. Still, he promises to come, to make right, to soundly defeat. Is he who he says he is? Can I truly wait on him? We won’t find out unless we watch for him.


Challenge someone to an arm wrestle in good fun.


God, sometimes your power and justice seem a long way off. Show me how to wait expectantly.

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