What Am I Allowing My Mind to Dwell On?

No wonder my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts his praises! My body rests in hope.

Acts 2:26, NLT

“The body keeps the score,” we keep hearing. The connection between our emotions, thoughts, and bodies cannot be ignored any longer. Mental stress that is never relieved can have devastating effects on the body.

God knows this. The Psalms are full of people describing how their bodies are processing difficult circumstances. So what we allow our minds to dwell on will either result in hopeful rest, or . . . not.

Hoping in God, in truth, in what this world can never offer—this can bring the rest many of us are seeking.


Find a verse in Psalms you can relate to as the writer describes their feelings of stress and anxiety. Let it comfort you to know that this is not new to humanity.


God, I want this hopeful rest. Bring me peace that can come only from you.

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