Is Praying for Myself Selfish?
May he give us the desire to do his will in everything and to obey all the commands, decrees, and regulations that he gave our ancestors.
1 Kings 8:58, NLT
I used to think it was selfish to pray for myself. There seemed to be so many other things to pray for—other people, turmoil in the world. Yet the Bible is full of people who very specifically pray for themselves. Jesus even modeled this for us.
Not feeling the hope and peace you desperately need? Ask for it. Doubts creeping in when you need assurance and steadiness? Ask for it. Struggling with that sin that keeps coming back around? Ask for help.
It’s not selfish. Think of it like putting on your own oxygen mask before you help someone else with theirs. We’re in no state to love and uplift others if we’re drowning in doubt and distress.
Spend at least ten minutes praying for yourself. Let it go as long as you need to get everything off your mind.
God, remind me that it’s not selfish to pray for myself. Help me put on my oxygen mask first.