Can I Trust That God Knows What’s Best?

For you have given him his heart’s desire; you have withheld nothing he requested.

Psalm 21:2, NLT

There is a singular pleasure in watching a child unwrap a gift you know they have long wanted. To see their eyes widen, their mouth break into a smile. To hear them exclaim. It’s truly a joy. God feels this too when he gives us good things. He’s not a genie in a bottle, but he is a good Father who is an expert gift giver. And bonus for us, he actually knows exactly what we need right here and now. We may not agree with him sometimes, but it’s still true.

When we finally accept that truth of his goodness, we can rest from our hustle and striving. We can let out that breath we’ve been holding. We can look expectantly for his next lavish show of love.


Think of someone you can give a gift they’ve been wanting. Surprise them, and really watch their face as they open it. Experience God’s love through you to that person.


God, sometimes I want things you don’t give me. Help me to let go of those desires if they are not the best for me.

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