Can I Bring My Mess to God?

The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

Psalm 51:17, NLT

I have a friend whose daughter knocked over a large collection of glass nail polish bottles onto a tile floor, shattering them all. “It’s kind of pretty, Mama,” was her daughter’s observation.

I feel like this is how God responds when we come to him in our brokenness. We’re a mess, but here it is in black and white: Our mess is what he most wants us to bring to him. There isn’t one of us too broken to be put back together more beautiful than we were before.

Broken spirit and heart? Check. Aware of my sins? Check. Nothing else to bring? No problem.

I have a feeling that if we could see him, he would smile and say, “Let’s clean that up, shall we?”


Take a bunch of crayons, unwrap and break them, and place the pieces on a sheet of wax paper. Put it on a baking sheet in a low-heat oven just until they melt together. Kind of pretty, isn’t it?


God, here I am bringing you my mess. I’m so thankful you will not reject me.

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