Is Desiring God More Than Anything Possible?

Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.

Psalm 73:25, NLT

I don’t know what this psalmist’s secret was, but it sure feels elusive. Maybe it’s that he tried everything else? Maybe he had seen enough miracles? What is the key to wanting only God and nothing else?

I imagine that each of our paths to this place of desiring only God looks different. He has it mapped out—a journey of a thousand steps and missteps to finally come to rest at his feet and not want to be anywhere else.

And maybe that’s the key: just wanting to want that. Acknowledging that there are still so many other things we’re trying to chase besides him and being honest about it. Letting those things come up short until we’re exhausted with the trying.

Wanting to want only him doesn’t happen overnight. But it can happen.


Journal about a time you filled an online shopping cart with items you knew you didn’t need. Are there other ways we find ourselves doing that?


God, I want to want only you. Let’s start that journey today.

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