Am I willing to pour out my life as an offering to Jesus?

She has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial.

Matthew 26:12, NLT

To know your day and hour of death is no small thing. The weight of it, even for Jesus, must have been immense. Certainly, the world must have crystallized for him, each moment full and meaningful as he marched to his purpose.

And her, pouring out something of great worth in an intimate act of love and submission for this man who knew how to love as no one else could. The beauty of that moment must have marked them both.


Buy a bottle of perfume. It can be inexpensive. Outside and safely, break it open and let it run. Imagine you are pouring it over Jesus. Let the scent overwhelm you. Join her there at his feet.


Lord, may I pour out my life for you in as sweet a way as she did.

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