Am I Settling for Spare Change from God—or Hoping Big?

The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money.

Acts 3:5, NLT

The man begged to survive. His expectations had lowered and lowered. When the apostles came by, all he had room to hope for was spare change.

We do this with God, too. We settle for spare change because we don’t know how to hope for more. But what if we learned to want more from God?

This man walked away from the apostles that day with far more than he expected: a new start on life, a new hope. The disciples could offer healing because Jesus had healed them first. As we come to God for healing and hope, we can bring hope for bigger expectations than the status quo.


Think about who you can bring expectant hope to. Write them a note and deliver it with something they enjoy, perhaps flowers.


God, show me the ways I’ve lowered my expectations—too low. Give me hope in your ability to restore beyond my imagination.

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