How Can I Have Faith That God Will Answer Me?

I My friends laugh at me, for I call on God and expect an answer. I am a just and blameless man, yet they laugh at me.

Job 12:4, NLT

Sometimes our friends, like Job’s, might think what we believe seems outsized. “Imagine,” Job’s friends might have said, “he actually expects an answer from God!”

And sometimes we’re the ones who limit others. My family once went to a Renaissance festival where there was sword fighting. We stood safely outside the rope while men showed their prowess with real swords. My son was fascinated. He wanted to try.

When one of the sword fighters opened the rope to leave the area, I had to grab my son before he could walk in, pick up a sword bigger than himself, and try to fight an unsuspecting actor. He had already decided he could do it, and here was his chance to prove it.

As a mother, I was horrified. And yet I had to marvel. The truths and expectations in his head were bigger than his britches, but what faith!


Go to a gymnastics gym and watch little children throw themselves into tumbling maneuvers. Marvel at their faith that makes it possible.


God, give me faith like Job’s that expects you to answer, no matter how foolish it might seem to my friends.

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