God, Will You Help Me Bring My Requests to You?

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.

Psalm 5:3, NLT

Sometimes when we need something specific, we just need to pray.

I was in college, and it was becoming glaringly clear that I needed my own computer to keep up with my course load. I didn’t have the money, and I didn’t expect my family to, either. So I sat down and prayed specifically for a computer, hoping God would show me my solution.

The very next day, my mom called to tell me that my dad was getting a new work computer. She wondered if I wanted his old one. I just laughed and told her my story.

Not all requests to God end up this way, but we can always pray expectantly. God hears us and will respond, one way or another. It’s an expectation we can hold to firmly.


Make a list of things you know you need. Now ask for them.


God, give me an expectant heart that knows you will answer.

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