Do I Have Limiting Expectations of God?

When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations. And oh, how the mountains quaked!

Isaiah 64:3, NLT

When was the last time someone exceeded your expectations? For some, it’s not a regular occurrence, and they might come to believe that most people just do the minimum.

What do we expect from God? Do we expect him to answer our prayers, or do we think he’s always careful not to give us more than we deserve—like there’s a threshold, and we’ve met our limit?

But maybe we are projecting what we experience from people onto God. It’s hard for our minds to wrap around the idea that God is limitless in every way. Because we can’t understand God as limitless, we instead think that God can only do the biggest thing we can imagine.

Maybe God’s just waiting for us to ask for his version of good instead of ours.


Journal about that thing that’s been stuck in your life for a while. What’s frustrating about it? How have you prayed about it previously? Then ask God for a bigger solution than you are able to imagine.


God, forgive me for limiting you. Show me your good beyond my greatest expectations.

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