Do I Recognize When Something Comes from God?

Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?

Matthew 11:3, NLT

During COVID, we met a lot of people whose lower faces we didn’t see for months—if ever—because of masks.

Our minds try to help us out by filling in details we can’t see, for better or for worse. So when the masks finally came off, were you surprised?

There was one woman I only knew in a mask for a solid year. When I finally saw her without it, her real face didn’t match the face I’d imagined. The difference was so jarring that I still have a hard time recognizing her without her mask on. This showed me what my mind is capable of expecting and how it might keep me from recognizing when someone, or something, comes from God.


Take a magazine and rip out a picture of a recognizable celebrity. Fold the picture horizontally in the middle of the face. Place it on a blank piece of paper, and try to recreate the bottom half without looking. Unfold the picture and see how you did. What did your mind make up?


God, I don’t want to make assumptions and form expectations without all the information. Help me honor people by knowing them well.

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