How Can I Influence Others to Discover God’s Story?

[Anna] came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem.

Luke 2:38, NLT

Being an influencer might be a semi-profession these days, but people have been sharing about their favorites for centuries. Tired of dragging your stuff? Check out this wheel! Tired of uneven sandwiches? I give you sliced bread! Now it’s things like eye cream, kitchen gadgets, and vitamins.

When we find something worth sharing, we are quick to tell others, especially if we know it solves a problem for them. There’s a kind of giddy joy in presenting a solution to someone. Even better if it’s someone we care about.

The prophetess in this passage was full of giddy joy in telling others about the Messiah. Some may have seen an infant unable to do anything but be dependent. And yet she knew he would save the Jewish people. I bet her enthusiasm was infectious.


Look through your bathroom items. How many have you purchased because of someone’s influence? What does this tell you about the possibilities for influencing others?


God, what I get excited about says a lot about me. Give me giddy joy for you and for the new life you offer through Jesus.

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