God, What Gifts from You Am I Overlooking?

Everyone was expecting the Messiah to come soon, and they were eager to know whether John might be the Messiah.

Luke 3:15, NLT

Doesn’t it just annoy you when a superhero has an alter ego that no one can recognize? You want to yell at the movie, “You’re not fooling anyone!” Like a pair of glasses is really going to make the difference.

Yet humanity has never been good at seeing what we don’t expect to see. When Jesus came doing miracles never before seen and saying exactly who he was, but not using power like an earthly ruler, people had a very hard time accepting that he could be the Messiah.

When we expect one thing and God sends another, it’s easy to miss.

Lois Lane would certainly agree. She had one thing going for her, though: a constant search for the truth.


Watch a Superman movie and find humor in everyone’s poor vision. Then ask yourself what gifts of God you might find hiding in plain sight.


God, help me see your gifts clearly, and when I don’t, help me keep my eyes wide open.

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