Does love equal forgiveness?

In keeping with your magnificent, unfailing love, please pardon the sins of this people, just as you have forgiven them ever since they left Egypt.

numbers 14:19, NLT

Whenever I feel mad at someone I love, I start to remember past things they did that were similar. Before I know it, I’ve decided they are rotten to the core and my list of grievances grows by the minute. And inside, I feel an emotional mudslide.

Have you ever noticed that? It’s almost like you forget what you were mad about in the first place. Your mind starts digging for dirt on them and starts making a nice big pile. I have to catch myself when I do this. I also need to be honest with myself that I may not have forgiven them the first time around. I just stuffed instead of forgave.

When Moses appeals to God’s character, he knows the forces that move God to action: that magnificent, unfailing love. God forgave the Hebrews on multiple occasions, thus the unfailing part. He isn’t sitting with a rap sheet waiting to remind them how awful they were in the past.

I can only hope that when I start piling on the dirt about someone, I’ll stop and ask God to wash me clean for my wrongs, first. And then I’ll seek to clean up what’s needed between me and my loved one.


Are you feeling some anger toward someone? Write up a rap sheet for them. Then burn it.


God, give me one small portion of this love you have for humanity. Don’t let me keep rap sheets.

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