How do I deflate my hurt?

Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends.

Proverbs 17:9, NLT

It’s like wearing one of those blow-up sumo wrestler costumes. Have you ever tried that? You’re enclosed in air and plastic, a boundary between you and world. There’s no getting close to anyone. There is only bumping and falling.

That is what unforgiveness can feel like, an inflated sumo costume. It’s between us and someone else and likely other people, too. We think those layers protect us. Instead, they just isolate us.

Love and forgiveness are deflating, removing, unguarding. While they feel risky at first, afterward they feel good. Much cooler. Lighter. Yes, we can get closer to others this way, and that’s better.


Find somewhere you can try on one of those inflated sumo costumes. You know you want to.


God, help me to deflate the layers of unforgiveness that I allow between myself and others.

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