Does burning always purify?

He touched my lips with it and said, “See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.”

Isaiah 6:7, NLT

Well before Louis Pasteur purified liquids by heating, humanity knew that heat killed something bad, even if they couldn’t see or name that something yet. Historical accounts show boiling of water and cauterizing wounds thousands of years ago.

Just like germs, our sin isn’t always obvious. It lurks and hides, like bacteria hides, even in water that seems clean. We know that a good, hearty boiling will disinfect the water, and anything dipped into the roiling bubbles.

We can benefit from having our sin exposed and boiled away, too. We put anything on a burner, but we expose our wrongs to God’s love and forgiveness. Woosh! Up in steam it goes.


Light a match and watch it burn, eating up the wood bit by bit. Safely extinguish it before it burns you.


God, purify my heart. Boil away the sin that can hurt me and others.

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