Is there a limit to forgiveness?

Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”

Matthew 18:21, NLT

Jesus famously replies to Peter that it’s 70 x 7. For those math whizzes, that’s 490. There you go. If you’re going to be literal about this one, you’d better get yourself something like a “Forgiveness Counter App” and start tracking.

Poor Peter thought he was being super generous. “Seven times is a lot, right, Jesus?” Nope.

Jesus wasn’t actually putting a number on forgiveness. Even in today’s tech-savvy world, if we had an app to help, we would find it annoying to keep track of forgiving someone 490 times.

Unlimited. No counting. No app. No tracker. Just keep forgiving. That’s what God does for us.


Do a web search of habit tracker ideas and be amazed at the things people try to keep track of. Do you find anyone keeping track of forgiveness?


God, your forgiveness is endless. May mine grow in that direction.

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