What’s between me and God?

You will tell his people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins.

Luke 1:77, NLT

There is a chasm between us and God that only he can span, and he did that through Jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus became the pure sacrifice needed to pay for the destruction of sin and the distance it puts between us. We don’t get to God without that cross.

We try to earn it. We try building our own bridges. We may even turn our back on the chasm and try to walk the other way only to discover the chasm is on all sides. We’re stuck on a pillar of sin, no help in sight.

Then Jesus says he will create the bridge for us. He will stand in the place of judgment for every single human being ever. By his body, dying for us on the cross, he creates a bridge we can walk across to closeness with God forever. Jesus offers a way off the pillar and across the chasm.

He doesn’t make us accept; he offers. But living on a pillar’s precipice and stepping off repeatedly doesn’t have to be our way of life.


Find pictures of the Grand Canyon. Marvel at the vast space between the walls of the canyons. Imagine trying to get from one side to the other with no help. If you’d like to learn more about accepting God’s invitation to walk across that bridge, receive a free resource to help you, and have someone pray for you, go to Stonecroft.org/explore-god today.


God, I accept the way you made for me to live close to you, by walking across the bridge of Jesus dying for me on the cross. Thank you for making a way across to you.

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