Does God come to dinner?

Then Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, brought a burnt offering and sacrifices to God. Aaron and all the elders of Israel came out and joined him in a sacrificial meal in God’s presence.

Exodus 18:12, NLT

You would think that such a common thing as a meal would not have much of a place in the Bible. It turns out that food is a recurring theme as well as meals together. Jesus even made his disciples a meal after his resurrection.

It’s not a coincidence in the Bible when something comes up again and again. Meals, festivals, celebrations, gatherings around food: they’re all over the Bible—a bustle of activity to prepare and then a long, talkative meal. The best is the kind that goes on and on. People linger, drinks are refreshed, and dessert comes and goes.

God loves celebrations too. In fact, he’s looking forward to a big feast in the future. That’s why we know that God’s presence over pot roast and potatoes can be sacred. It can be a holy place of rest and community and care. We can invite him in even over a cup of soup and hot tea.


Next time you have a meal with friends and family, acknowledge God in that time around the table. Whether by an empty chair or a unique centerpiece, find ways to remember that God loves you gathering and loves joining you at the table.


God, you love a good meal just like I do. Help me sense your presence in the common of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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