Are guardian angels real?

Are guardian angels real?

See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you.

Exodus 23:20, NLT

Dishes, laundry, doctor’s appointment, work deadlines, birthday present . . .

We don’t know much about angels, but we do know that God gives them assignments that include protecting and helping us. Angels come and go from God’s presence specifically to do as he asks.

The details of most of those assignments are not ours to know, but we can know that having been in God’s presence, they bring God’s will to the situation. We, too, have access to God’s presence. That means we can also be influenced by God’s will for good, for ourselves, and for others.

This angel in Exodus was definitely a guardian, and maybe there are times we sense a guardian angel around us too. We can learn there is power in God’s presence that goes with those who do God’s will.


Look up other encounters with angels in the Bible to see how they carry out God’s will.


God, I don’t have to understand angels to learn from them or be helped by one. May I also be in your presence enough to carry out your will.

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