Why doesn’t God use a delivery service?

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain. Stay there, and I will give you the tablets of stone on which I have inscribed the instructions and commands so you can teach the people.”

Exodus 24:12, NLT

God could have given Moses those stone tablets in any number of ways. Moses could have awoken one morning to find them outside his tent. He could have gone for a walk and found them next to another burning bush. God didn’t need production time for those tablets.

Yet he asked Moses to come up to the mountain where God’s presence had descended physically. It wasn’t a grab-and-go situation. He asked Moses to “stay there.” There was some waiting involved, some sitting around. Did Moses get bored? I admit I might have asked God to ship my items overnight so we could hit the road for the Promised Land at first light.

Those tablets were important, but not nearly as important as the time Moses spent with God. Even if it was in silence. Turns out God wants that time with us too.


Set aside some time to sit quietly with God.


God, in a world that calls me to do, do, do, I find it hard to sit still, even if it’s to be with you. Please give me one idea to try today.

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