What makes a place holy?

I will meet the people of Israel there, in the place made holy by my glorious presence.

Exodus 29:43, NLT

Finding holy in our noisy, disposable, blue-screen world is hard. Very few places we find ourselves in feel holy. Would we know holy if we saw it?

When we walk into a shopping mall, we don’t think holy. When we zip around a skating rink, we don’t think holy. When we go to our kid’s basketball game in a gym, we don’t think holy.

So what makes something holy? The closest many of us have felt is in a hushed, low-lit, slightly chilly church. We know not to sprint down the aisle, yell hello to a friend five rows away, or cackle about a text we just received.

God tells us clearly in this verse what makes something holy: his glorious presence. He comes and touches a place or thing and sets it apart. We can’t describe holy in human terms because holy doesn’t come from us.

Holy is where God is, and that can be right where we are.


Do you have a little corner where you pray? If so, ask God to make you aware of how it is glorious and holy with his presence.


God, your holiness is wherever you are. I cannot fully comprehend this, but I can learn to notice your glory.

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