Is it me, or is it God with me?

There you and your families will feast in the presence of the Lord your God, and you will rejoice in all you have accomplished because the Lord your God has blessed you.

Deuteronomy 12:7, NLT

God likes a good celebration. In the Old Testament, he told the Israelites to mark special events with a feast or party. I love that this verse shows how God wants us to rejoice in what we have accomplished with the reminder that God fulfills his calling on our lives.

We are used to gathering for holidays like Christmas and Easter. The menus rarely vary, and it doesn’t always feel joyful. Maybe we’re doing this celebrating thing all wrong. Maybe we need to look at how God calls for a party and design a new way to celebrate.

What if churches came together over a slow meal interspersed with stories of God’s goodness and blessings? What if homes were filled with the smell of sizzling somethings and the sound of praise? God loves a good party. Let’s make ours great by celebrating him.


Plan a gathering with people who want to celebrate the goodness of God in their lives.


God, I love that celebration is part of who you are and that you command your people to do it. May I find times to party-praise with others who love you!

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