What are my marching orders?

After Joshua spoke to the people, the seven priests with the rams’ horns started marching in the presence of the Lord, blowing the horns as they marched. And the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant followed behind them.

Joshua 6:8, NLT

We all want God to give us specific instructions like he gave to Joshua before Jericho came crashing down. “Do this in this location this many times.” Life would be easier if we woke up each day to a God’s will text with seven simple steps.

God doesn’t always get this specific with the people he calls into action. Sometimes he is frustratingly vague. And he rarely keeps to our timetable. Instead of wishing for directions that may never come, we can march toward what we know God always wants: hearing his voice through the Bible, prayer, and God-honoring counsel and doing what we know to do.

We don’t know what it’s like to march into battle at the sound of the trumpet or horn. But we do know what it’s like to be awakened by our alarm for another day of following God’s will. That alarm can be our signal to march through life knowing what God always wants: for us to learn and do his instructions. And like the Israelites, we can do just that, knowing God will help us.


Make your alarm the sound of a trumpet or horn. Let it remind you that you are marching into the day in God’s presence.


God, I admit I would like more detailed instructions from you, but I accept that there are things you have already instructed me to do, like love you and love those around me—and love myself. I accept my marching orders!

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