Why do mountains quake in God’s presence?

The mountains quaked in the presence of the Lord, the God of Mount Sinai—in the presence of the Lord, the God of Israel.

Judges 5:5, NLT

Have you ever been in an earthquake? Large or small, there is no denying that it gets your attention. Typically, we stand on an entirely predictable surface. So when the ground beneath our feet shifts, we take notice.

Many accounts of tremors in the Bible show God and his presence. It’s as if the world’s matter is reacting to its Creator, instinctively reverberating with his power.

It makes me wonder if we allow ourselves to be shifted after encountering God too. What once seemed steady about our lives may tremble under God’s gaze as we pray, read the Bible, or otherwise experience him. A relationship, a heedless commitment, a choice gone wrong. And after it gets shaken up, we should stop the urge to put it back where it was and instead walk on the new ground.


Take a glass of water and expose it to vibration such as loud music or tapping. Watch the effect, and wonder how God’s presence can move our lives.


God, I don’t always want you to change things in my life, but I know there are probably things that need to feel the tremors of your presence. Help me experience you in the quakes of my life.

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