How do I find joy?

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.

Psalm 16:11, NLT

Missionary and author Amy Carmichael once wrote, “Joy is not gush.” We confuse a bubbling feeling of happiness with the depth of fulfillment that joy truly is. We go looking for joy in empty places. Or we think we’ve found joy only to discover that we’ve found fool’s gold. That’s why the psalmist wrote about the joy of God’s presence and not the joy of having everything on our entire wish list.

It also seems wildly counterintuitive that joy can come from someone we cannot physically interact with. The possibility, though, that we can maintain lifelong joy because of the omnipresence of God? That sounds like something worth pursuing. God can show us a way of life, a gift with lasting joy and pleasures.

Joy is like the steady ship in the storm or that warm blanket on a chilly night. It isn’t just about enduring hard things. It’s about receiving who God is.


Set a timer for five minutes, and pray this verse. Ask God to show you one thing he wants to show you—and ask him to fill you with joy that nothing and no one can take away.


God, forgive me for looking for joy in all the wrong places. Please show me how to get joy from living in your way.

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