Can God really provide shelter?

You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from those who conspire against them. You shelter them in your presence, far from accusing tongues.

Psalm 31:20, NLT

Many of us take it for granted—this roof over our heads, these walls that keep out the elements. We close and lock the door to keep out intruders. We shut the window and turn on the heat or air conditioning. It’s nice in here, this shelter.

Humanity had to fight hard to get to this place of all these roofs and walls. Shelter, especially from your enemies, is a very human need. Depending on where you live, you might face rain, wind, hail, snow, tornadoes, hurricanes, or the blazing summer sun.

Spiritually we need shelter too. Our souls get battered. But when we feel the whole world coming toward us, God welcomes us into his shelter, and we are safe.


Spend time praying over your home, whether it’s a dorm room, an apartment, a duplex, a house, a cabin, or anything else. Express your gratitude to God for your physical shelter, and ask how he wants to shelter your soul, too.


God, as my home shelters my body, I ask that your presence will shelter my soul this day.

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