Will God leave me?

Do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me.

Psalm 51:11, NLT

The psalmist, David, seemed worried that God had had enough of him, that God’s cosmic patience meter was topped off. I had a boss once who had a patience meter. When she had extended all the grace she was willing to give, she would say she had “put that person in The Box.” No one wanted to be in The Box. It was her way of saying, “I’m done with you.”

Thankfully, this is not how God works, especially if we have placed our faith in Jesus Christ. His promise to stay with us is ironclad. No Box for us! Do we still need to ask for forgiveness? Yes. Does God still have ways we can grow? Absolutely. But banishment is not part of his plan.

In fact, the Bible is one long book about God’s second chances for people like you and me who mess up badly enough to deserve The Box. But instead of being banished, we are invited to come close.


Get a wooden box at a craft store. Instead of putting people in a box, write down your faults and failures. Like unforgiveness, lies, or something else God is helping you battle. Put those slips of paper in the box and stretch tall, celebrating your freedom and another chance.


God, I’m so thankful that because of Jesus, I won’t be banished from you! The only things I want you to banish are the ways I have failed you and others. Please help me.

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