Will an angel visit me?

Then the angel said, “I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to bring you this good news!”

Luke 1:19, NLT

There are many instances in the Bible of angels on assignment for God, bringing news. They say things like, “There’s a baby coming,” or they step in and fight our battles. So we know they are real.

But what if no angel appears for me? Sure, it would be pretty cool if one did. But whether we ever sense angels or not, we get to do what they do: be in God’s presence.

Gabriel is an archangel, meaning there’s an authority structure to angels, and he’s one of the top angels. He stands in God’s presence—probably daily.

We can choose to be like Gabriel too. Not physically but spiritually until the day we also stand with God face-to-face. So yes, meeting an angel would be very interesting. But hanging out with God? Always available. And way better.


Read the account between Mary and Gabriel in Luke chapter one verses twenty-six through thirty-eight. Note what’s important to Mary about it.


God, angels can be intriguing and puzzling. Let me rejoice that anytime, anywhere, angels or not, I can experience you.

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