How do I put on Jesus?

Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.

Romans 13:14, NLT

We make choices every day about what to wear. Some of us take more time and care about it than others. Some of us have uniforms. Some of us enjoy picking out clothing, while others of us would like to delegate that task. But what we will wear is a choice every single day.

So is putting on the presence of Jesus Christ. It’s a daily spiritual choice about how we will show up in this world. Are we going to put on Jesus? Or will we drag on our old comfortable ways of seeking affection, safety, and control?

Just as we can choose flip-flops or tennis shoes, we can choose each day whether we want God to clothe us with a presence that honors him. And just like our clothing often says how we value ourselves and others, wearing God’s garment says so much more.


As you get dressed today, name something you experience in God’s presence for each piece of clothing, such as hope for our shirt and lovingkindness for that cute new scarf.


God, I understand that your presence is not something you force me to wear. Help me to love dressing up in you each day.

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