Am I Relying on God’s Wisdom or My Own?

“You felt secure in your wickedness. ‘No one sees me,’ you said. But your ‘wisdom’ and ‘knowledge’ have led you astray, and you said, ‘I am the only one, and there is no other.’”

isaiah 47:10, NLT

Turning inside ourselves can lead to the ultimate deception about who we are and what the truth is. If we swirl inside our heads without outside wisdom and truth, especially from the Bible, we will create narratives that are wildly false.

We become our own gods, thinking we’re able to discern “wisdom” and “knowledge,” like Isaiah was accusing the people of Babylon of in this verse. Our imaginations will take over and convince us we’re in charge: “the only one.”

The truth, though, doesn’t take a vacation while we’re in our heads, ruling over everything. Isaiah’s next words should be heeded: “So disaster will overtake you.”

We cannot navigate this world from our own sense of self. Only trouble is found at the end of that road. Choose God as “the one” in which to find wisdom and knowledge.


List three things you know to be true about God. Now list three things you know to be true about yourself according to God. Keep this where you can see it.


God, when I am tempted to stay in my own head to figure things out, please send someone who values your wisdom and knowledge to help me see myself and the truth clearly.

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