What will it be like to meet God face to face?

“I will look favorably upon you, making you fertile and multiplying your people. And I will fulfill my covenant with you.”

leviticus 26:9, NLT

It’s the moment when the doors at the back of the church open and the bride enters the sanctuary. The groom sees her. She is perfect and beautiful in his eyes, and he can’t wait for her to reach him so they can share vows of love, care, and respect.

Did you know this is how God looks on you? With favor and love and care? Is this the picture in your mind when you imagine meeting him face to face? His smile is going to break wide open, and his eyes are going to seek out yours. He may even tear up a little bit. That’s how he looks on you.


Use your imagination to dream of meeting Jesus. Ask him to show you how he looks on you.


God, help me to understand how you look favorably on me. In those areas of my life where I feel shame, help me to turn my mind’s eye to my dream of meeting you face to face. Let that erase the shame.

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