Does God want to show me favor?

O God, look with favor upon the king, our shield! Show favor to the one you have anointed.

psalm 84:9, NLT

Some people skate through life with an aura of favor on them. You know who I mean. It’s that really sweet, pretty girl who also happens to be brilliant. Everyone loves her. Doors open for her. We’ve all seen it happen.

Then others struggle through life like a linebacker defending the goal line, experiencing hit after hit after hit. Ever felt that way? Yeah, me too.

The psalmists were some of the most direct writers in the Bible. They didn’t pull punches or use passive-aggressive language. They pleaded for things like justice, help, and favor. They didn’t seem to have any preconceived ideas of whether they should be granted those things or not. They simply asked, often many times.


Write down one area you really desire favor in, whether work, school, family, business, health, or something else. Define why you’d like this favor from God. Now pray about it.


God, you tell us to ask boldly because we are your children. Because of my position before you in Christ Jesus, I am asking for favor in [fill in the blank].

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