Do I need to read the Bible?

Look upon me with love; teach me your decrees.

psalm 119:135, NLT

When we return from a long trip away from home and loved ones, their looks of love can undo us. Maybe the time away was really hard, stressful, or lonely. We felt isolated or were exhausted by constant change. Then we get home, and something relaxes. We are finally with the people who know us best.

Home sweet home is a very true cliché. We are never more at home or more loved than in the presence of God. This relationship, like all relationships, takes tending and intention.

Psalm one hundred nineteen is the longest psalm by far, and it is a love letter from the writer to God about God’s Scriptures. The psalmist equated being looked upon with love with learning about the Bible. This is where we must go too. For the Bible is God’s love letter to humanity.


Make it your goal to find a passage in the Bible that feels like God’s love letter to you. Ask him to help you find it. Put it somewhere you’ll see it often.


God, you look upon us with love. I want to build my relationship with you through your Bible. Help me to do this.

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